Catholic Social Teaching is a hidden treasure that can guide us in understanding contemporary issues and witnessing to Jesus’ wisdom and love communicated through the Church. Beginning Saturday, October 12 for 7 Saturdays Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM, will offer a class at St. Joseph Chapel (400 South Blvd. West, Pontiac, MI 48341) at 1:00 pm (after the Noon Mass) on the following topics: Abortion (Oct. 12), Immigration (Oct. 19), the Environment (Oct. 26), LGBT+ (Nov. 9), Healthcare (Nov. 16), Critical Race Theory (Nov. 30) and Gender Equality (Dec. 14). The textbook, Fr. Jeffrey Kirby’s Sanctify Them in Truth: How the Church’s Social Doctrine Addresses the Issues of Our Time is available for $15.00. Grow closer to Our Lord as you learn more about the Catholic Faith. For more information, contact Fr. Alex: email at [email protected] or call/text at (313) 727-9784.