If you have a desire to remember someone who has passed away or is living and just in need of some extra prayers, Mass Intentions are available every day for our morning weekday Masses and on the weekends, three names will be said at each Mass. You are welcome to stop by the Parish Office or call the Parish Office and schedule a Mass intention during normal business hours 9am until 3pm, Monday through Thursday. Mass cards are available to let the families know they are being thought of and prayed for at Mass.
Every Sunday we, the ‘body of Christ’, gather at the celebration of the Eucharist to become ever more “The Body of Christ”. This is an awesome truth. All of the actions, words, hymns, postures, sights, sounds, and even moments of silence at the celebration have, as their ultimate goals, the glorification of God and our own transformation. Sister Angela Hibbard, IHM, has prepared a series of essays designed to help us understand the various parts of the Mass. She is a member of the Archdiocesan Worship Commission and is on staff at Gesu Parish, responsible for parish faith formation, particularly the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Please click this link, Understanding the Mass to access the essays, which Sister has most graciously shared with us.