Pope Francis has asked for this Sunday, the Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, to also be a celebration of youth and young adults. We want to recognize, appreciate, and encourage all the young people in the parish – everyone from age 12 to 39 – so I can say at least the pope thinks I’m still young! For all the contributions you make to the community and your families, we offer our heartfelt thanks and support as you continue to walk the path with Jesus.
Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, to you we turn in humble prayer. Look with favor upon all young people, bearers of hope for the Church and the world.
Jesus Christ, companion of youth and young adults, bless the paths of discovery and discernment, through times of joy and experiences of hardship, with the constant love and support of your Church. Jesus Christ, alive in the hearts of all your people, grant that we may “journey together, young and old… to nourish our enthusiasm, cause dreams to emerge, awaken prophecies and enable hope to blossom.” *
Jesus Christ, Redeemer of all humankind, open our hearts to encounter all young people, to accompany and be in community together, and as one Church, embark upon our holy mission. Jesus Christ, in the company of the Father and the Holy Spirit, graciously hear our prayer and be with us forevermore. Amen.
* Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, 199
Tony Kreucher
Director, Religious Education
[email protected]