The Blessed Virgin is honored under many titles. The reason for this is due to the fact that all her dignity and greatness cannot be expressed or understood in one name. She is like a diamond with many facets. In order to give her due honor, the Church celebrates many of her noble qualities under a separate title and often on a separate feast day.
Our parish is dedicated to the Blessed Mother under the title, “Our Lady of Refuge.” What is the meaning of this Title? A refuge is defined first as a shelter or protection from danger or distress; second, that which shelters or protects. The word comes from the Latin -”re,” meaning “back,” and “fugio,” meaning “to flee”.
The word “refuge” is frequently connected with ships that are being tossed about in a storm. The Captain immediately directs the course of the ship to a harbor or cove wherein the ship will be sheltered. Such a spot is a refuge.
What is true of ships is also true of our lives. At times people can be buffeted by temptations — by sin — by confused thinking. They need a refuge — a place of calm; they need to get out of the winds of living.
In the Litany of the Blessed Mother one of the invocations is, “Refuge of sinners, pray for us.” How wonderful it is to know we always have a Refuge — a Mother — to harbor us during life’s storm. “Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners.” What a beautiful title! She, who is God’s Mother and our Mother, is our Refuge, our Harbor. Her Divine Son seeks the sinners who are lost. His Mother guides them to Him. She stretches our her hand and leads them to an all-forgiving Son Who is God.
We are happy that our parish and parishioners are dedicated to her under this title of “Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners.”